Schoterheide 39
3980 Tessenderlo
Tel. & Fax. 0032(0)
E-mail : guidoloockx@freegates.be

In 2004 31 x the 1st price was won.
1 x 1st National en 3 x 1st Provincial.
16/05/04 Soissons (210 km.)
346 old: 1,3,5,6,10...(20/33)
413 yearlings: 1,2,6,7,8,11,12,14,16,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,29...(33/58)
22/05/04 Pithiviers (378 km)
565 old: 3,5,6,11,... (19/29)
630 yearlings.: 1,4,8,14,...(18/37)
05/06/04 Sens (340 km)
867 yearlings.: 3,4,6,...(17/31)
29/05/04 Bourges (479 km)
3407 old: 1e Provincial (Daughter Pantani)
12/06/04 Chateauroux (529 km)
273 old 1,2,6,8,...(15/23)
26/06/04 Montlucon (552 km)
224 old: 1,2,6,8,10,11,14,16,21,22,23,26,30...(20/28)
446 yearlings: 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,11,13,16,20,21,23,29,30,31,32,34,...((25/31)
53 hens: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,18 (14/22)
Provincial 2303 old:4,8,41,46,54,58,84,96,110,132,152,171,210,...(20/28)
Provincial 2756 yearlings: 2,3,6,14,21,22,24,31,34,40,54,57,64,96,99,101,106,110,...(23/31)
10/07/04 Limoges (640 km)
140 old: 1,2,...(5/8)
Interprovincial 1561 old: 5,16... (5/8)
National: 12743 old: 20,72...(5/8)
24/07/04 Chateauroux (529 km)
Provincial 920 old: 1,…(4/7)
Provincial 1069 yearlings: 5,…(2/3)
31/07/04 Bourges (479 km)
National 14.246 yearlings: 1,17…
Provincial 1.544 yearling. : 1,11… (9/13)
Nationaal 10.199 old: 9,10…
Provinciaal 1.228 old: 6,7,…(5/11)
17/07/04 Orleans (414 km)
Prov. 14.036 youngsters: 17,85,88,135,178,198,199,238,247,300… (21/55)
14/08/04 Argenton (558 km)
Local club: 295 youngsters: 4,5,7,10…(15/43)
Prov. 2.290 youngsters: 20,23,25,46…(12/43)
National 23.078 youngsters: 76,80,83,142,…(16/43)
29/08/04 La Souterraine (594 km)
Local club: 276 youngsters:1,4,5,9,10,14,15,16,19,23…(19/31)
Prov. 1.509 youngsters: 4,11,18,65,69,90,91,96,108,124,…(16/31)
National 16.297 youngsters 16,52,97,…(20/31)
11/09/04 Vichy (559 km)
Local club: 171 youngsters: 1…(7/15)
Prov. 966 youngsters: 4…(7/15)
Nat. 11.278 youngsters: 13,…(9/15)
Best youngster(NAJLEPSZY MŁODY): 5005172/2004
Vader= Pantani x Zwarte Pol (father is full brotherof the fatherof 1st National Bourges 2004 and full brother of 5030069/02 = 1e Prov. Bourges I en full brother of ‘Mother Aske’ Flor Vervoort – Olympiade-pigeon)
Mother = Lichte Pantani (Son Pantani en Superbreeder) x Zohra (1e Prov. La Souterraine en full sister of mother 1st National Bourges 2004 – 100 % Gaby Vandenabeele)
Orleans: 85/14.036
Argenton: 80/23.087
La Souterraine: 16/16.463

National, Provincial & Interprovincial Results 1997 - 2004
Argenton : 1st Prov. 1.229 youngsters
1st Interprov. 526 youngsters(MŁODE)
Bourges I : 1st Prov. 2.936 old birds
1st Interprov. 394 o.b.
Chateauroux : 1st Interprov . 1.432 o.b.
1st Prov. 2.467 yearling(ROCZNE)
1st Interprov. 722 yearling
Bourges II : 1st National 10.872 old birds
1st Prov. 1.492 old b.
1st Interprov .3.579 old b.
1st Interprov. 565 old b.
5th National Ace-Pigeon KBDB (Middle-long distance)
5th World-Champion (Middle-long distance)
Argenton : 1st Interprov. 1.106 old b.
La Souterraine : 1st Prov. 1.511 young birds
1st Interprov. 689 young birds
Olympic-Pigeon Blackpool ( Cat. ‘Allround’ )
1st National Superstar of the Year ‘ Gouden Duif ’ ( Cat. Long Distance)
Chateauroux : 1st Prov. 4.260 old b.
1st Interprov. 1.532 old b.
Argenton : 1st Prov. 1.824 yl.
1st Interprov. 397 yl
1st Provincial Souillac old birds
1st Provincial Souillac 2-year old birds
1st Provincial Argenton old birds
1st Inter-Provincial Bourges yearling
18 x 1st Price
18/08/02: Soissons: 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,… (23/38) (1196 d.)
01/09/02: Momignies:1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,13,15,16,17,18,19,… (21/30) (534 d.)
1st Nat. Bourges II 14.207 yl.
1st Nat. (Zone C) Bourges II
1st Interprov. Bourges II 2.589 yl
1st Prov. Bourges II 1.544 yl.
1st Prov. Chateauroux 920 old b.
1st Prov. Bourges I 3.407 old b.
1st Interprov. Bourges I 4.272 old b.
· Engels & Sons
· Gaby Vandenabeele
· Van Hove-Uytterhoeve
· Daems & Son
· Slaets Alfons (Line ‘ Kadet’ - Meulemans)
· Verbruggen Gommaire